Celebrating Community Brownie Badge


Brownie troops will earn the Celebrating Community badge in one afternoon with the Framingham History Center! Explore community symbols, learn how to fold the American flag, be a historic landmark detective and much more – all at two of Framingham’s oldest buildings!

Date: February 5th – 3:45 PM at the Edgell Memorial Library

Price: $8 per Girl Scout, free for adults (includes cost of badge)

For more infromation, contact Laura Stagliola at laura@framinghamhistory.org 

Celebrating Community badge



Past Events: On November 17, 2016, eighteen Framingham Girl Scouts completed their Celebrating Community badge inside our historic buildings! For many of these 7 and 8 year olds it was the first time they had visited the Framingham History Center and they learned many new things! They participated in a flag folding ceremony taught by members of Veteran Services, learned how to use their “commanding voice” when marching, and were landmark detectives on the Centre Common.