A Varied Potpourri of Visitors

An account by Docent Libby Franck, who was “on duty” June 1st at the Edgell Memorial Library for the Shoppers’ World Exhibition:

Such a varied potpourri of visitors:
1) A scholar who is writing a book on Boston suburbs after World War II and is a friend of Annie’s.
2) Two women from NH who had spent every Saturday of their childhood at Shoppers’ World, then worked there during high school.  I loved watching them take photos of each other with the always obliging wooden soldier.
3) A third grader brought his father along, using the coupon given to him as part of the Third Grade Field Trip to the History Center.
4) Member Hattie Best brought her daughter.

Shoppers’ World glasses sold – 8
Shoppers’ World bags sold – 2
Another afternoon that put the STORY in HISTORY!