Yes on Question 3

I hope that when you vote in this historic election, you will vote yes on Ballot question 3 in support of the Community Preservation Act. As someone who has worked for the last 15 years to raise funds toward the preservation of Framingham’s most historic properties, I’ve often heard the question – “does Framingham have CPA?” My response has always been “not yet” as I have faith that our community will see the value of this initiative. 

While I’m sure you expect me to write about how CPA funds will help us continue restoring Framingham’s most historic properties on the Centre Common – which I hope they will – there is another project that is in need of CPA funding that features not only Framingham history, but open space and recreation as well – the creation of a walking trail around Farm Pond that is accessible to downtown. 

This trail has the potential to provide a remarkable glimpse into how Framingham’s history connects to some of our nation’s most historic episodes. Starting with Harmony Grove and the abolitionist gatherings that fueled the fervor for Civil War and moving on to Chautauqua with its Temple of Philosophy atop Mt. Wayte, to Cushing Hospital and Framingham’s aid for wounded veterans returning from WWII, to the beautiful gatehouse and aqueduct connecting Farm Pond to Boston’s early water supply and the reservoir system we see today, to the Bancroft Building with its industrial history, and finally to the railroad that brought all of this to downtown.  CPA funding could be the catalyst for a solution to safely cross the railroad tracks and access this walking trail, Cushing Park, the skate park, ball fields and beyond. There has been mention of naming the trail for Chris Walsh, an early proponent of CPA and a true visionary. 

History provides an anchor to communities during tumultuous times. Now is the time for Framingham history to shine, whether it is around Farm Pond, on the Centre Common, on Salem End Rd., or in the former Dennison buildings. Please vote yes on Question 3 and help us continue preserving this rich history. 

Annie Murphy
Executive Director
Framingham History Center