History Center Interns on TV

Two of our interns, Steve Lessard and Indiana Jones, were on the local program “High School Quiz Show” on WGBH.

Last summer, Steve worked on 3 Virtual Exhibits: Framingham Illustrated, Postcards of Framingham, and Fabric of Framingham. Framingham Illustrated is the Framingham History Center’s first virtual exhibit and can be seen here.  The other two, which are larger and more complicated, are still in progress. There will be over 650 postcards in the postcard Virtual Exhibit when it is completed.

Indiana catalogued our collection of 18th and 19th-century tools in the basement of the Old Academy.  The process included photographing, measuring, describing, and researching records before entering the photos and records in our catalogue database.

Congratulations to Steve Lessard and Indiana Jones for doing a great job representing Framingham.

 Michelle McElroy
Operations Manager