Tuesday, June 19th
7:00 PM
Edgell Memorial Library
After a short annual meeting, author C.D. Peterson will present his book Home Front: A Memoir from WWII. This is a touching story told through the eyes of an engaging young farm boy who grew up on Hillcrest Farm in Framingham during the war years of the 1940s and the tumult of early 50s. Eventually, the family farm, which once stood at the foot of Bose Mountain, was sold to developers.
Mr. Peterson returns to Framingham to launch his memoir and will be signing copies of his book following the program. Refreshments will be served.
A member and donor only event. If you know of others who are not members and would like to attend, they can join the FHC here.
“Home Front is a fascinating blend of stories. On one hand it is a coming of age account of growing up in a tight knit family on a small farm in a small New England town, with flavors of Tom Sawyer, and on the other hand it is a narrative of how World War II and the post war years impacted the family. It brings home to the reader how life in small rural towns was irrevocably changed by the ‘progress’ of the post war period.” – Frederic A. Wallace, Town Historian, Framingham