Saturday, June 4, 2016
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Edgell Memorial Library
3 Oak Street, Framingham, MA
Join us at the Framingham History Center Tag Sale rain or shine both inside and outside the Edgell Memorial Library. The types of items that will be sold are Framingham collectibles, gently used household items, furniture, antiques, linens, glassware, and more!
Parking is available in front and behind the Historic Village Hall.

Do you know where the phrase “tag sale” came from? When Dennison Manufacturing Company came to town in 1897, Framingham became known as “Tag Town” for the popular reinforced tags. Today we use “tag sale” to remember a name that was most fitting for Framingham. Come join us as we continue this tag-riffic tradition.
All items have been donated to the Framingham History Center and are not part of our collection. Proceeds from the sale support our mission to preserve and share Framingham’s history in order to encourage connection to community.