Annual Meeting June 18th

Tuesdsay, June 18th, 6:00 pm
Edgell Memorial Library, 3 Oak Street

Feature Presentation: Mr. Selfridge and Mr. Dennison… a Friendship and Business Partnership

Recently discovered correspondence between Mr. Charles S. Dennison and Mr. Harry Selfridge bring the current PBS Series, Mr. Selfridge, close to home.  Dennison had its own department at Selfridge’s of London;  two Framingham women from the Dennison art department designed one of Selfridge’s famous store windows for opening day in 1909, and taught English saleswomen how to fashion flowers from Dennison crepe paper. Come learn more about the friendship and partnership of these globally recognized retail moguls.   Members will also vote on a new slate of officers and the annual budget, and a year-end wrap-up will be offered prior to the feature presentation.