June 21, 1700
Upon a full hearing of the matters in difference between the town of Sherborn and the inhabitants of the plantation of Framingham, containing all that tract of land formally granted to Thomas Danforth, Esq. next adjoining Sherborn upon the North and Northerly.
ORDERED. That the said Plantation called Framingham, be from henceforth a Township, retaining the name of Framingham; and have and enjoy all privileges of a Town according to law; Saving unto Sherborn all their rights of land granted by the General Court to the first inhabitants, and those since purchased by exchange with the Indians of Natick, or otherwise, and all the Farms lying within the said Township according to former grants of the General Court.
Herring, S. W. (2000). Framingham: An American Town. Framingham, MA: The Framingham Historical Society, pp. 39.